Descripción: Smartphones en inglés - "En el mundo actual, los smartphones son una parte integral de nuestra vida cotidiana. Con el fin de poder comunicarnos eficazmente, es necesario estar al día con el vocabulario asociado con estos dispositivos. Desde las aplicaciones hasta los ajustes de la cámara, conocer las palabras y frases relacionadas con los smartphones nos permite aprovechar al máximo nuestras experiencias digitales. Aprender el vocabulario en inglés relacionado con los smartphones es esencial para aquellos que quieren estar al día en la era digital."

- App /æp/ - Aplicación
- Bluetooth /ˈbluːtuːθ/ - Bluetooth
- Camera /ˈkæmərə/ - Cámara
- Charger /ˈtʃɑːrdʒər/ - Cargador
- Contacts /ˈkɒntækts/ - Contactos
- Data /ˈdeɪtə/ - Datos
- Delete /dɪˈliːt/ - Eliminar
- Earbuds /ˈɪəbʌdz/ - Auriculares
- Emoji /ɪˈməʊdʒi/ - Emoji
- Face ID /feɪs ˈaɪ di/ - Identificación facial
- Fingerprint /ˈfɪŋɡəprɪnt/ - Huella digital
- Gallery /ˈɡæləri/ - Galería
- Gigabyte /ˈɡɪɡəbaɪt/ - Gigabyte
- Headphones /ˈhedfoʊnz/ - Audífonos
- Hotspot /ˈhɒtspɒt/ - Punto de acceso
- Internet /ˈɪntərnɛt/ - Internet
- Keyboard /ˈkiːbɔːrd/ - Teclado
- Megapixel /ˈmɛɡəpaɪxəl/ - Megapíxel
- Microphone /ˈmaɪkrəfəʊn/ - Micrófono
- Mobile data /ˈməʊbaɪl ˈdeɪtə/ - Datos móviles
- Notification /ˌnəʊtɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ - Notificación
- Password /ˈpæswɜːd/ - Contraseña
- Power button /ˈpaʊər ˈbʌtn/ - Botón de encendido
- Processor /ˈprəʊsesər/ - Procesador
- QR code /kjuː ɑːr kəʊd/ - Código QR
- Ringtone /ˈrɪŋtoʊn/ - Tono de llamada
- Screen /skriːn/ - Pantalla
- Selfie /ˈsɛlfi/ - Selfie
- Settings /ˈsɛtɪŋz/ - Configuración
- SIM card /sɪm kɑːd/ - Tarjeta SIM
- Siri /ˈsɪri/ - Siri
- Smartphone /ˈsmɑːtfəʊn/ - Teléfono inteligente
- Speaker /ˈspiːkər/ - Altavoz
- Storage /ˈstɔːrɪdʒ/ - Almacenamiento
- Text message /tɛkst ˈmɛsɪdʒ/ - Mensaje de texto
- Touchscreen /ˈtʌtʃskriːn/ - Pantalla táctil
- Unlock /ˌʌnˈlɒk/ - Desbloquear
- Update /ʌpˈdeɪt/ - Actualización
- Wi-Fi /ˈwaɪfaɪ/ - Wi-Fi
- Zoom /zuːm/ - Zoom
- "I can't find my phone" - No puedo encontrar mi teléfono.
- "I need to charge my phone" - Necesito cargar mi teléfono.
- "Can you take a photo of us?" - ¿Puedes tomar una foto de nosotros?
- "I have no signal" - No tengo señal.
- "Can you send me your number?" - ¿Me puedes enviar tu número?
- "I'm out of storage" - No tengo más espacio de almacenamiento.
- "I need to update my phone" - Necesito actualizar mi teléfono.
- "What's your Wi-Fi password?" - ¿Cuál es tu contraseña de Wi-Fi?
- "Can you show me how to use this app?" - ¿Me puedes mostrar cómo usar esta aplicación?
- "My phone is frozen" - Mi teléfono está congelado.
- "I accidentally deleted my photos" - Eliminé mis fotos por accidente.
- "My phone won't turn on" - Mi teléfono no se enciende.
- "I have a weak connection" - Tengo una conexión débil.
- "What's your data plan?" - ¿Cuál es tu plan de datos?
- "I don't know my passcode" - No sé mi código de acceso.
Teenage Alberto's Phone Addiction
Alberto: Sits on the couch with his phone in hand
Dad: "Hey, son. Can you put your phone down for a moment?"
Alberto: Looks up "Why? I'm not doing anything wrong."
Dad: "I just wanted to talk to you about your phone use. It seems like you're always on it, and it's becoming a problem."
Alberto: "What's the big deal? Everyone uses their phone all the time."
Dad: "When I was your age, we didn't have phones like these. We had more freedom to enjoy our time without being glued to a screen."
Alberto: "But what am I supposed to do without my phone? It's how I keep in touch with my friends and stay entertained."
Dad: "There's a whole world out there to explore. You can go outside, read a book, or spend time with family and friends in person."
Alberto: "But my phone has everything I need. It's convenient and easy to use."
Dad: "Yes, but it's important to not become a slave to your phone. You need to learn to balance your use and enjoy life in the moment."
Alberto: "I guess I can try to use my phone less, but it won't be easy."
Dad: "I know it won't be easy, but it's important to try. You'll be surprised how much more you can enjoy life without your phone always in your hand."
Alberto: "Okay, I'll give it a shot."
Dad: "That's all I ask. Let's spend some time together as a family now, without any distractions."
Alberto: "Sounds good to me." Puts his phone down and joins his family.
1. What is the main conflict in the previous text?
a) Alberto wants to go outside more
b) Alberto is addicted to his phone
c) Alberto is fighting with his friends
2. What does Alberto think about his phone?
a) It's inconvenient and hard to use
b) It's easy and convenient to use
c) He doesn't care about his phone
3. What does Alberto's dad suggest he do instead of using his phone?
a) Spend time with family and friends
b) Watch TV all day
c) Stay in his room and play video games
4. What does Alberto agree to do at the end of the text?
a) Stop using his phone altogether
b) Use his phone more often
c) Try to use his phone less
5. What does Alberto's dad want to do as a family at the end of the text?
a) Watch TV
b) Play video games
c) Spend time together without any distractions
- b) Alberto is addicted to his phone
- b) It's easy and convenient to use
- a) Spend time with family and friends
- c) Try to use his phone less
- c) Spend time together without any distractions
Complete the exercise choosing the correct answer:
1. I need to _____ my phone to the Wi-Fi network so I can use the internet.
(fill in: connect / disconnect)
2. My phone battery is low, so I need to _____ it soon.
(fill in: charge / discharge)
3. I have a lot of important information on my phone, so I always make sure to _____ it regularly.
(fill in: backup / restore)
4. If you want to take a picture with your phone, you need to _____ the camera app.
(fill in: open / close)
5. I have a lot of apps on my phone, but I need to _____ some of them because I don't use them anymore.
(fill in: install / uninstall)
6. My phone is locked with a _____, so no one else can access it without my permission.
(fill in: password / username)
7. My phone plan includes unlimited _____, so I can call and message my friends and family as much as I want.
(fill in: data / minutes)
8. I love listening to music on my phone, so I always use _____ to connect my wireless headphones.
(fill in: Bluetooth / USB)
9. If you accidentally delete an important file on your phone, you can _____ it from your cloud storage.
(fill in: download / upload)
10. I always use a _____ to protect my phone from scratches and damage.
(fill in: case / screen protector)
- connect
- charge
- backup
- open
- uninstall
- password
- minutes
- Bluetooth
- download
- case