
Sport and Hobbies - Vocabulary exercise

Descripción:  Sports and Hobbies: En el ejercicio de comprensión debes responder preguntas sobre el texto anterior en inglés. En el ejercicio de encontrar sinónimos debes identificar palabras que tengan un significado similar al de algunas palabras que aparecen en el texto en inglés.


 Javier's Favorite Sports and Hobbies


Javier is a sports enthusiast. He enjoys playing basketball, soccer and tennis in his spare time. Basketball is his favorite sport because he loves the thrill of scoring a basket. In basketball, players have to throw the ball into the hoop to score points. He also likes playing soccer because it involves a lot of running and team coordination. In soccer, players have to kick the ball into the opponent's goal to score points. Lastly, he enjoys playing tennis because it requires a lot of focus and strategy. In tennis, players hit a small ball back and forth across a net. Javier enjoys staying active and improving his skills in these three sports.


Comprehension exercise:


  1. What are Javier's three favorite sports?
  2. What do players have to do in basketball and soccer to score points?
  3. What does tennis require from players?
  4. Why does Javier enjoy playing sports?


Synonyms exercise:


  1. What is another word for "enthusiast"?
  2. What is a different word for "spare time"?
  3. What is a synonym for "favorite"?
  4. What is another word for "improving"?




Comprehension exercise:

  1. Javier's three favorite sports are basketball, soccer, and tennis.
  2. In basketball, players have to throw the ball into the hoop to score points. In soccer, players have to kick the ball into the opponent's goal to score points.
  3. Tennis requires a lot of focus and strategy from players.
  4. Javier enjoys playing sports to stay active and improve his skills.

Synonyms exercise:

  1. Another word for "enthusiast" is "fan" or "devotee."
  2. A different word for "spare time" is "free time" or "leisure time."
  3. A synonym for "favorite" is "preferred" or "beloved."
  4. Another word for "improving" is "enhancing" or "developing."