
Chapter 1 - The twins arrive - Adventures in Rapelo

Descripción: Adventures in Rapelo - Chapter 1 - "The Twins arrive". Audiobook (Basic level).

Once upon a time, in the small village of Rapelo, located in the southern region of Spain, there lived two lovely twin sisters named Natalia and Claudia. The villagers adored the girls for their cheerful nature and curiosity. Natalia had curly brown hair, while Claudia's hair was straight and blonde. They had sparkling blue eyes that shone like the Mediterranean sea.


One sunny morning, the family decided to move to Rapelo, seeking a peaceful life away from the bustling city. Natalia and Claudia were excited about the new adventure that awaited them. As the moving van approached the village, the twins couldn't contain their excitement, wondering what surprises Rapelo had in store for them.



  1. adored /əˈdɔːrd/ - adorado
  2. adventure /ədˈvɛn.tʃər/ - aventura
  3. away /əˈweɪ/ - lejos
  4. blonde /blɒnd/ - rubio/a
  5. blue /bluː/ - azul
  6. brown /braʊn/ - marrón
  7. bustling /ˈbʌs.əl.ɪŋ/ - bullicioso/a
  8. cheerful /ˈtʃɪə.fəl/ - alegre
  9. city /ˈsɪt.i/ - ciudad
  10. Claudia /ˈklɔː.di.ə/ - Claudia
  11. contain /kənˈteɪn/ - contener
  12. couldn't /ˈkʊd.ənt/ - no pudo
  13. curly /ˈkɜː.li/ - rizado/a
  14. curiosity /ˌkjʊə.riˈɒs.ɪ.ti/ - curiosidad
  15. decided /dɪˈsaɪd.ɪd/ - decidió
  16. excited /ɪkˈsaɪ.tɪd/ - emocionado/a
  17. family /ˈfæm.əl.i/ - familia
  18. girls /ɡɜːrlz/ - chicas
  19. hair /heər/ - cabello
  20. in /ɪn/ - en
  21. life /laɪf/ - vida
  22. lived /lɪvd/ - vivieron
  23. lovely /ˈlʌv.li/ - encantador/a
  24. Mediterranean /ˌmed.ɪ.təˈreɪ.ni.ən/ - Mediterráneo/a
  25. morning /ˈmɔː.nɪŋ/ - mañana
  26. move /muːv/ - mudarse
  27. moving /ˈmuː.vɪŋ/ - mudanza
  28. named /neɪmd/ - llamadas
  29. nature /ˈneɪ.tʃər/ - naturaleza
  30. new /njuː/ - nuevo/a
  31. Natalia /nəˈtæl.jə/ - Natalia
  32. peaceful /ˈpiːs.fəl/ - pacífico/a
  33. region /ˈriː.dʒən/ - región
  34. Rapelo /rəˈpɛl.oʊ/ - Rapelo
  35. sea /siː/ - mar
  36. seeking /ˈsiː.kɪŋ/ - buscando
  37. sisters /ˈsɪs.tərz/ - hermanas
  38. small /smɔːl/ - pequeño/a
  39. southern /ˈsʌð.ərn/ - del sur
  40. sparkling /ˈspɑːrk.lɪŋ/ - brillante
  41. straight /streɪt/ - recto/a
  42. sunny /ˈsʌn.i/ - soleado/a
  43. surprises /sərˈpraɪzɪz/ - sorpresas
  44. their /ðer/ - sus
  45. they /ðeɪ/ - ellas
  46. time /taɪm/ - tiempo
  47. twin /twɪn/ - gemela/o - mellizo/a
  48. twins /twɪnz/ - gemelas - mellizos/as
  49. two /tuː/ - dos
  50. village /ˈvɪl.ɪdʒ/ - pueblo
  51. villagers /ˈvɪl.ɪdʒ.ərz/ - aldeanos
  52. waiting /ˈweɪ.tɪŋ/ - esperando
  53. wondered /ˈwʌn.dərd/ - se preguntaron
  54. wondering /ˈwʌn.dər.ɪŋ/ - preguntándose